Do you feel ready? That's the number one question I have heard as we get closer to our missions trip to Kenya. I am never really sure how to answer, I have bags packed and a list of things we are taking checked off neatly in my room. The kids have a great VBS planned out and we have diligently collected items that have been so generously donated on the Lentoror's wish list. I have prayed and been prayed over and still there is that little piece of my heart where I feel Jesus calling to me and telling me don't be ready, be open. Open to what? To serve?? To learn?? There is a lot there and open sometimes equals vulnerable in my head, so I take a deep breath and just sit in that uncomfortable place he is calling me to.
When Stephen an Carol came to America, they got off the plane with their two little boys not knowing where they would lay their heads that night and with little money in their pockets. The only thing they knew for certain is that God had called them to be there. They were open to the unknown and God blessed them. That faith has inspired us, as they continue to trust God for His provision as they care for the "least of these" in their community.
Many of you have come alongside and supported the group in our efforts to get to Kenya. We have been so blessed by each of you. By being open to His calling to go we have experienced blessings we could never have imagined through this body of believers. One of the frequent prayers spoken over our group is for traveling mercies..... because this is not a conventional trip. We have four whole families traveling with us, three of whom are board members and our President, Callie Winters. That's 20 people, and 11 of those are kids...traveling mercies folks, make it your mantra for us. :)
We will do our best to keep you updated while we are away and covet your prayers. We can't wait to share what God is doing in Narok, Kenya through through the open hearts and willing hands of the Lentoror's.